When are we going to open?
Good morning!
Let's get right to it... When are we going to be able to open and get you back on the table???
That is a million dollar question. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you just yet. I can promise you this though - as soon as I know, you will know, too.
Many of you have been on the books for over a month now and I know your are stressed and hurting. I am doing all I can to get us back to business. As of this morning, your appointments have been "tentatively" rescheduled for June. I'll be making calls to everyone effected very shortly. Again, if i can get you in a minute earlier, I will.
Your future appointments are going to look a little different and I'd like to share with you some of the changes we will be implementing.
1) We are going to have a few extra intake questions with regards to symptoms, exposure, and travel.
2) We are going to be wearing fancy new masks. We may ask you to wear one as well. If you do not have a mask we will have disposable ones available.
3) Appointments will be running with a 15 minute extended break in between. This will allow for a thourough cleaning of the treatment room and shared areas with hospital grade disinfectant.
4) You may be asked to wait in your vehicle until we are ready for you.
These are the changes for now. I will update you if further recommendations or guidelines need to be adopted. If you have any ideas, please share. At the end of the day, I want to keep our staff and our clients healthy, safe and comfortable.
Seriously missing you all,
(I'm not crying, you're crying)
Jessica Wyatt, LMT